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My Dream

اپنا پنجاب ہووے

Punjab an ancient land, the land of Sufis, legends and five rivers. The motherland of Punjabi nation.


Punjab Map

To achieve the goal of everlasting peace between India and Pakistan, As a first step I would like to propose and demand from both the governments (Indian and Pakistani) that the visa restrictions imposed currently on all the Punjabi states (East Punjab, Himmachall Perdesh, Hryana, Dehli, Jummu Kashmir, Azad Kashmir, Hazara, Dera Ismael Khan and West Punjab) should be lifted. Historically, culturally these are all Punjabi speaking areas and Punjabi lands. It is the ancient Punjab and the Punjab of pre partition.

Punjabi speaking areas are spread on both side of the Wagha. Stretching right from Attock /Hazara to Jumna and from Jammu Kashmir to Rajasthan. The free movement of Punjabi people should be allowed on the Punjabi lands on both side of the border. Punjabis should have the right to visit their motherlands without any restrictions. Once the Punjabis took a peace offensive on both side of the Wagha and started marching on the peace route guns will be silenced automatically and there will be a peace in the region for ever.

We, the Punjabis respect India and Pakistan borders. The example of Canada and US borders should be kept in mind and followed. My proposal doesn’t harm the sovereignty of either country. It shall remain intact. I expect all the all the peace lovers of the world to support my proposal. Punjabis are the peace loving people. They love peace and hate war.

Punjabis of India and Pakistan should be allowed to visit, trade, settle and do business in the Punjabi states (comprising of East Punjab, Hryana, Dehli, Himmachal Perdesh, Hazara, Dera Ismial Khan, Jummu Kashmir, Azad Kashmir and west Punjab) freely and independently.

This is my dream. If this comes true and it will happen one day inshallah than I can guarantee an everlasting peace between India and Pakistan. Once this dream is realized, the prosperity, progress, peace and brotherhood will make home on Punjabi lands for ever. A prosperous Punjab will not only be beneficial for all coming Punjabi generations but India and Pakistan will be the most to benefit.

Tay meray saaray Khawab sachay honday ne.

Long Live Punjab...Long live Punjabi Nation

Nazeer Kahut

Chairman Punjabi National Conference

Press Release: Issued :August 15,2010


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